File Download: 88-044




Complainant: 员工
被申请人: 雇主
ROD Case No: 88-044 – December 12, 1988

Board of Trustees: Joseph P. 康纳斯,老., Chairman; Paul R. Dean,受托人; William B. Jordan,受托人; William Miller,受托人; Donald E. 皮尔斯,小.,受托人.

根据美国工人联合会(“UMWA”)1950年福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人已经审查了有关根据雇主福利计划条款为雇员提供紫外线b灯箱福利的争议的事实和情况.

Background Facts

The 员工 suffers from severe generalized psoriasis, which has been treated by different dermatologists for several years. 他的病情对紫外线b光结合某些局部药物治疗似乎反应良好. 在控制雇员的牛皮癣方面最成功的皮肤科医生认为,为了控制他的牛皮癣,需要在一段不确定的时间内每天使用紫外线b光治疗. 她指出,继续在家中使用这种治疗将减少住院的频率,而住院通常是为了治疗与这种疾病过程相关的复发而需要的.

目前, 员工每周只能接受两次灯箱治疗,而且不会耽误工作时间,因为他开车去医生办公室接受治疗需要两个多小时. 雇员的医生说,雇员必须在1988年8月住院两周,以控制他的牛皮癣, which had worsened because he could not get daily light box treatments. 雇员认为,他不能在他家附近的设施接受灯箱治疗, in order to do so, he would have to be seen by one of that facility’s physicians, and he wants to remain with his current physician, who has been able to treat him successfully.

雇主拒绝支付灯箱货款,理由是灯箱不符合第三条规定的耐用医疗设备的要求. A. (6)(d)的雇主福利计划,因为它可以用于其他目的,如鞣制和储存. 雇主进一步指出,雇员可以在他家附近的设施接受灯箱治疗.


Positions of the Parties



Pertinent Provisions

第三条. A. (6)(d) of the 1984 雇主 Benefit Plan states:

(6) Home Health Services and Equipment

(d) Medical Equipment

Benefits are provided for rental or, where appropriate, 购买医生认为必要的适合家庭使用的医疗设备.

Q&A 81-38 states:

主题: Medical Equipment and Supplies

References: Amended 1950 & 1974 Benefit Plans & 信任,
第三条. 一个节. (6)(d) and (e), and A. (7) (a) and (d)


What medical equipment and supplies are covered under the Plan?


A. Under the Home Health Services and Equipment provision, benefits are provided for the rental and, where appropriate as determined by the Plan Administrator, 购买适合家庭使用的医疗设备和用品(包括有效使用设备所必需的物品),但经医生确定为医疗需要. 这些物资和设备包括但不限于以下内容:
1. Durable Medical Equipment (DME) which (a) can withstand use (i.e., could normally be rented), (b) is primarily and customarily used to service a medical purpose, (c)在没有患病或受伤的情况下,一般来说对人是无用的, and (d) is appropriate for use in the home. Examples of covered DME items are canes, 洁具, and other safety bathroom equipment, home dialysis equipment, hospital beds and mattresses, 铁肺, orthopedic frames and traction devices, oxygen tents, patient lifts, 呼吸机, 喷雾器, walkers and wheel chairs.

C. 具有方便性质或不需要专业判断的项目, 购买或使用的建议或说明不包括在福利范围内. Examples of such items are: ordinary support (panty) hose, garter belts, disposable paper cups or towels, 棉花球, 棉签, 急救绷带, exercise equipment, and foot pads for bunions or calluses.


第三条. A. 雇主福利计划(6)(d)规定,在医生确定有医疗需要时,为适合家庭使用的医疗设备提供福利. Q&A 81-38 states that covered equipment includes, “Durable Medical Equipment (DME) which (a) can withstand use (i.e., could normally be rented), (b) is primarily and customarily used to service a medical purpose, (c)在没有患病或受伤的情况下,一般来说对人没有用处,及(d)适合在家中使用.” First, the light box can withstand repeated use. 第二个, an ultraviolet-B light box is primarily and customarily used for a medical purpose; extensive modification of the basic design would be required to change its purpose. The ultraviolet-B light box cannot be adapted to a tanning booth. 第三, 灯箱的紫外线对于没有严重的广泛性牛皮癣等疾病的人是没有用的. 在这种情况下的问题是灯箱是否适合家庭使用.

A皇冠搏彩中心网站的医疗顾问审查了本文件中提供的材料,并建议尽可能在医生的监督下使用灯箱,因为产生的紫外线b量会导致严重烧伤. 他进一步建议,只有在没有其他可用地点的情况下,该设备才适合在家中使用. 在这种情况下, Funds的工作人员了解到,该员工在接受现任医生的治疗时,可以使用他家附近设施的灯箱. 因此, in the 员工’s case, 购买或租赁灯箱供家庭使用是不合适的,因为有其他治疗地点可用.

Opinion of the Trustees
